
4 Tips for Winterizing Your Lawn This Fall

4 Tips for Winterizing Your Lawn This Fall

Fall is in full swing in the Midwest, and it’s time to take the final lawn care steps before winter. Proper lawn care maintenance is a work of art that will pay off next spring. At Portage Turf Specialists LLC, lawn care is our expertise. Feeling stumped on how to tackle your lawn’s needs? We proudly serve Ravenna, Hudson, and nearby Ohio areas with any lawn care needs. Let us help winterize your lawn for a beautiful start next spring!

1. Decrease the height on your final mow

On your final mow of the season, cut the grass to 2 to 2.5 inches tall. This is the perfect height to preserve nutrients and prevent disease.

2. Rake leaves regularly

Raking leaves is a tough job, but it’s more manageable when the leaves are removed in small, frequent batches. Allowing leaves to sit on your lawn can smother and kill grass.

3. Seed and fertilize

Fall is the perfect time to fill in bald spots in your lawn. Be diligent with watering, and you’ll notice blades of grass in as little as 1-2 weeks. Applying your final round of fertilizer to the lawn will winterize the grass for rapid growth in the spring.

4. Give your trees and shrubs one last watering

Before shutting off your water lines, give your trees and shrubs a good, healthy watering. While trees and shrubs are dormant during the winter, that doesn’t mean they’re dead. They rely on internal water reserves to survive throughout the winter. A strong watering in late fall can be lifesaving.

Give your lawn some TLC this fall for a beautiful start next spring. Call the experts at Portage Turf Specialists for help getting your lawn ready for winter. Call (330) 296-8873, or visit us online to schedule a lawn analysis today!

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