
Lawn Aeration

Why should I aerate my lawn?

At Portage Turf, we believe in starting at the roots to promote healthy lawns. A lawn’s root system is constantly renewing itself by sending out new shoots. In order to provide optimum growth and health, proper overseeding and aeration are in order. Aeration is the process of making thousands of holes in the turf to break up soil compaction and thick thatch layers to promote deeper root systems, and overseeding evenly spreads new seed on top of your current turf. New root development is greatest in the fall, and it is the best time to recover from damage with aerating and renovation services.

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Another big advantage of lawn aeration is thatch control. Thatch is the layer of living and dead stems, roots, and other grass parts right above the soil. If thatch is a one-half inch or thicker, it becomes a prime breeding and incubation area for lawn diseases, weeds, insects, and grubs. Dethatching brings the soil core above the problem area to control natural decomposition. Managing this on a regular basis can also prevent the need for more expensive renovation services in the future.

At Portage Turf, we believe it is possible to encourage a beautiful lawn while minimizing negative effects on our environment. 

Learn more about the aeration process today

Prevent Damage with our Insect Programs

While many companies use a non-targeted approach to lawn grub control, we take the common-sense approach to every problem by utilizing the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). We apply high-quality, slow-release products, minimizing leaching while providing long-lasting green in fewer applications.

Learn more about the insects we can treat including, grubs, flea and ticks, chinch bugs, armyworms and more!